Monday, May 3, 2010

Meeting Minutes May 3, 2010

The May 3rd , 2010 meeting of Eden Homemakers was held at the Eden Township building with Helen Pool as hostess and Paula Zimmerman and Martha Jennings as co-hostess.
Senior counselor, Marilyn Baughman welcomed all of her purple gems dressed in purple. She then thanked the hostess and co-hostess and gave a reading "Angel Left Her Wings".
Roll call was answered by nineteen ladies by telling the number of grand and great grandchildren.
Lin Bils moved to accept Secretary and Treasurer’s report as read. Second by Amy Hill. Motion passed.
There was no old business, so we moved into new business.
New officers for next year will be: Martha Jennings, Senior counselor; Cletabelle Barnes, Junior Counselor and Sharon McGuire, Secretary/Treasurer. Lois Rife moved to accept this slate of officers. Second by Helen. Motion passed. Martha passed out papers to be filled out by next meeting as to what you would like to do for next years program and if you would like to be a hostess or co-hostess.
Freda Beamer will check with Trustees for what they would need to update building.
A get well card was sent to Amy.
Helen thanked Marilyn for the wonderful job she did this past year in leading the Purple Gems.
Cindy Brady was the speaker for the evening. She gave information on genealogy. Everybody had pictures of family members to share. A question and answer period followed.
Marilyn closed with a reading, "Grandma".
Miriam Goodman moved to adjourn. Second by Jackie Mosman.