Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meeting Minutes November 2, 2009

Eighteen Eden Homemakers met at the home of Pat Riedel, November 2nd.

The Senior Counselor, Marilyn Baughman, opened the meeting by introducing our guest, Sharon Swavel. We then introduced ourselves to Sharon. Marilyn thanked Pat and Deb for arranging for the meeting. She then read a poem "Spare a Thought". Recalling what Becky Ehrman shared at the last meeting, Marilyn asked the group who could quote the scripture verse. It comes from 2 Timothy 3:16. Roll call was answered by sharing a favorite Home Remedy.

Edna Armstrong moved that we accept the minutes and treasury report of the last meeting ,as read, and Helen Pool seconded it. The motion passed.

Martha Jennings, the acting secretary/treasurer read a Thank You note from Wyandot Cares.

The group listed the following persons as ones we should remember with a card from our group and prayer--Gib Murphy; Judy Frey; Mary Brown's friend, Jim; Bob Wilt, Ruth Wilt and Charlie Mosman. Lois Stuckey will have carpal tunnel surgery and Sandy Marshall a knee replacement-before our next meeting.

Edna Armstrong, Treva Schilling, Judy Gilliland and Jackie Mosman will take care of the many decorated shoe boxes brought to the meeting to be given to the Samaritan Purse project. Several members donated money for the postage needed to mail the boxes.

There is no information, as of today, about the Pancake and Sausage meal.

Under New Business, our next meeting will be held at Freda Beamer’s home. This is the month we bring a donation of food to a needy family. Again, we will donate to the La Roe family.
Edna Armstrong and Martha Jennings volunteered to handle and deliver the food. Martha is to purchase the meat with money from the treasury. Marilyn will assist with this project.

A sheet of paper was passed around the group to get the names and addresses of each of the members, to have on file.

Freda Beamer made a motion to have a White Elephant gift exchange at the Christmas party. Lin Bils seconded the motion, which was passed by the group. Reminder, a White Elephant is not a new gift, but something that the person does not need or want!!

Marilyn Baughman closed the business meeting by reading an article entitled, "What is Thanksgiving?".

Pat Riedel and Deb Phillips shared a very interesting program about herbs. There are many references to herbs in the Bible. Pat had several fresh samples of many herbs, which were passed around in the group. Besides seeing them, we smelled them! Deb passed a leaflet containing information about Lavender. Then she also handed out small pillows of lavender to each of us and sachet packets of lavender.

The snack we enjoyed, contained herbs used in vinegar, a bean salad and shortbread cookies made with herbs. Even the punch contained an herb

It was an enjoyable evening!
Martha A. Jennings

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